Once you have registered, email notifications may be sent to you to inform you that there is a message from the FIA. These messages may reference a Section 16 Notice or a bulletin notice for your attention. To retrieve these messages, please follow the below instructions:
- Go to the FIA website (https://www.fia.bm).
- Hover over the “Reports to FIA” tab, which is the second tab in the header.
- Click the entry for goAML Bermuda, which is the second item under the tab.
- On the left side if this screen click where is says “Click Here”
- Click “Login” and enter your User Name and Password.
- You will then need to enter the verification code which should appear in your email within a few moments.
- The next page will have a tab that allows you to file SARs, manage your registration and view and send messages linked to the FIA.
- The “MESSAGE BOARD” tab is where you can view and send messages.